Hallo everbody,
is there any definition about the inverse of a number in modulo another
for Example
inv x p =y ==> y*x =1 mod p
From: Jeremy Avigad <>
There is a function
MultInv p x
which returns a multiplicative inverse modulo a prime p, defined in the
file Int2 in the NumberTheory directory.
There is a more extensive number theory library here:
but the files are not very cleaned and polished, and they haven't been
updated from Isabelle 2004.
I am in the process of revising the number theory library from the
bottom up, but I have not gotten very far with this. I do have better
and more algebraic treatments of unique factorization and residue rings,
though they too are incomplete. I can send you the files if you're
Best wishes,
Jeremy Avigad wrote:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC