From: Walther Neuper <>
By the way, is there a reason why the Isac repository is a clone of
We are in an ongoing process of narrowing Isac towards Isabelle in
several aspects.
Some years ago we made a premature decision to just insert Isac into
Isabelle's code --- and now we refrain from moving files in order to
stay with efficient repository lookup via file logs.
Have you considered pulling the specific parts out and
registering it as an Isabelle component (according to §1.1.3 of the
system manual)?
Thank you for this hint:
Probably both, Isac and libisabelle, would show up as Isabelle
components in a clear architecture (where the latter would imply changes
in libisabelle/sbt, as far as I see).
We'll tackle that once the transition from Isabelle2013-2's "isabelle
tty" to libisabelle on Isabelle2014 is perfect.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC