From: Henri DEBRAT <>
Hi all,
I am trying to demonstrate the following probability lemma (prob being defined as a measure in a prob_space according to the Probability library) :
"⋀ A B. finite A ⟹ finite B ⟹ prob (A ∪ B) + prob (A ∩ B) = prob A + prob B"
The closer theorem I could discover in the Isabelle/HOL library is Finite_Set.folding_image_simple.union_inter.
Si I am trying this:
have "⋀ A B. finite A ⟹ finite B ⟹ prob (A ∪ B) + prob (A ∩ B) = prob A + prob B"
proof -
fix A B::"(nat×'proc ⇒ bool) set"
assume A:"finite A" and B:"finite B"
show "prob (A ∪ B) + prob (A ∩ B) = prob A + prob B"
proof (intro folding_image_simple.union_inter [OF _ A B, of "op +" "0::real" "λω. prob {ω}" prob], default)
There, it output I should now demonstrate that:
⋀A. finite A ⟹ prob A = fold_image op + (λω. prob {ω}) 0 A
I feel a little lost from this point, as I do not understand why f(A) + 0 = f(A) for any peculiar function f ! As far a I know, this is part of the addition definition.
Any clue ?
Thanks in advance.
From: Henri DEBRAT <>
I feel a little lost from this point, as I do not understand why f(A) + 0 = f(A) for any peculiar function f ! As far a I know, this is part of the addition definition.
I meant "I do not understand why f(A) + 0 = f(A) SHOULD BE PROVED for any peculiar function f ", of course...
From: Stephan Merz <>
Hi Henri,
while not a direct answer to your proof attempt, I believe that the lemma you are trying to prove is a simple consequence of existing lemmas:
prob(A \<union> B)
= prob((A - (A \<inter> B)) \<union> B) [by simple set theory]
= prob(A - (A \<inter> B)) + prob(B) [by lemma finite_measure_Union]
= (prob(A) - prob(A \<inter< B)) + prob(B) [by lemma finite_measure_Diff]
Hope this helps,
From: Johannes Hölzl <>
As Stephan Merz already mentioned this is better done with
finite_measure_Union and finite_measure_Diff in the prob_space locale.
fold_image (op +) is used to define setsum and setprod, so it is easier
to just use setsum. The rules you need are setsum_Un_Int and
measure_eq_setsum_singleton. But my experience is, that staying as long
as possible in the probability theory setting (i.e. use prob on sets) is
usually easier.
I hope this helps,
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC