From: li yongjian <>
Hi, dear all:
Recently I read proof scripts in HOL/probablity.
I find many proof commands on metis, for example,
by(metis Diff_empty compl_sets...)
The command metis is new for me, althogh I have tried to find some document
on it, but
it is diffculty for me to learn to use it. For instance,
In the above code,
I can guess some parameters of theorems used such as compl_sets if I use
the metis command , but I cannot find all. Therefore it is diffcult for me
to use it.
Are there more documents on metis, especially on how to use it eficiently in
From: Lawrence Paulson <>
Virtually every call to metis has been generated automatically, using sledgehammer. Read the appropriate documentation on sledgehammer. It is easy, as no configuration is required.
Larry Paulson
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC