From: Steven Obua <>
"add_minus_self" is now called "add_diff_cancel".
The other two theorems are gone. When you use the simplifier you should
not need them as they can now be proved automatically.
From: Jeremy Dawson <>
I've obtained what I gather is a copy of a recent development version of
Isabelle, containing new/altered files
OrderedGroup.thy and Ring_and_Field.thy.
I now find that certain arithmetic theorems don't seem to exist anymore,
thm "add_minus_self" ;
*** Unknown theorem(s) "add_minus_self"
Exception- ERROR raised
val add_minus_self_left = thm "add_minus_self_left" ;
*** Unknown theorem(s) "add_minus_self_left"
Exception- ERROR raised
val add_minus_self_right = thm "add_minus_self_right" ;
*** Unknown theorem(s) "add_minus_self_right"
Exception- ERROR raised
What's happening here, where have they gone?
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC