From: Gergely Buday <>
I have found
partial_function (option)
collatz :: "nat ⇒ nat list option"
"collatz n =
(if n ≤ 1 then Some [n]
else if even n
then do { ns ← collatz (n div 2); Some (n # ns) }
else do { ns ← collatz (3 * n + 1); Some (n # ns)})"
in src/HOL/Ex/Fundefs.thy
Where can I find a description of such monadic definitions?
I did not find it in the Isar reference and what I have found was the
early history of it:
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Hi Gergely,
Definitions of recursive functions in a monad with execptions (via partial_function) is
described in Alex Krauss' paper at PAR 2010 available from
Do-notation has been presented at the Isabelle Developer Workshop in 2010 by Christian
Sternagel. His slides are available at:
From: Christian Sternagel <>
Hi Gergely,
note that do-notation itself is just syntactic sugar (as, e.g., also in
Haskell). So actually there is nothing important about it ;), it just
makes some terms "easier" or maybe more concise to write down.
And maybe obvious, but I'll say it anyway: "partial_function" and
do-notation are completely orthogonal.
From: Christian Sternagel <>
Sorry, I wanted to point at
in my last email, but forgot it. There you can see the actual
translation (keyword "translations"), which tells you everything there
is to know about do-notation (using itself the more basic adhoc
overloading mechanism).
From: Gergely Buday <>
Christian Sternagel wrote:
And maybe obvious, but I'll say it anyway: "partial_function" and
do-notation are completely orthogonal.
Now it is obvious :-)
Where can I find some description of the partial_function definition
mechanism? There is a page in the Isar reference manual but that is
not very much detailed.
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Dear Gergely,
As I wrote in my last post, Alex Krauss' paper about partial_function describes it.
Another application can be found in Johannes' and my ITP paper this year:
From: René Thiemann <>
Dear Gergely,
there also is the AFP-entry Partial-Function-MR which allows you to define
sets of mutual recursive partial functions (which is not possible using the
original partial-function command). In the entry you also find further
examples of partial functions, including Collatz and a potentially
non-terminating evaluator for (a kind of) mu-recursive expressions.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC