From: Jose Manuel Rodriguez Caballero <>
Dear Isabelle/HOL users,
Is there a library about the properties of this function
int (multiplicity p (fst (quotient_of x)) ) - int (multiplicity p (snd (quotient_of x)) ),
known as p-adic valuation? I know that there is a valuation which is already defined in Isabelle/HOL,
valuation::"[('b, 'm) Ring_scheme, 'b => ant] => bool"
"valuation K v ==
v ∈ extensional (carrier K) ∧
v ∈ carrier K -> Z∞ ∧
v (\<zero>K) = ∞ ∧ (∀x∈((carrier K) - {\<zero>K}). v x ≠ ∞) ∧
(∀x∈(carrier K). ∀y∈(carrier K). v (x ·rK y) = (v x) + (v y)) ∧
(∀x∈(carrier K). 0 ≤ (v x) --> 0 ≤ (v (1rK ±K x))) ∧
(∃x. x ∈ carrier K ∧ (v x) ≠ ∞ ∧ (v x) ≠ 0)"
but this definition is extremely abstract compared with the previous definition.
Kind regards,
José M.
From: Manuel Eberl <>
To my knowledge: No.
However, Jeremy Silvestre has been working on p-adic numbers a bit. I
don't know what he has exactly, but I cc'ed him in case he wants to
chime in.
If you do end up defining it and prove the basic properties, I would
suggest we add this to HOL-Number_Theory.
I have been working on a rather extensive project involving the p-adics,
based on the HOL-Algebra library. In particular I have defined Qp, Zp,
their respective valuations, many basic results on the valuative topology,
as well as Hensel's Lemma. I have had to also prove many lemmas about
univariate and multivariate polynomials along the way.
My own goal is to prove MacIntyre's quanitifer elimination result for
p-adic fields, and I would estimate that I am about 90% of the way there.
If you are interested in seeing what I've done so far, let me know and I
can share my progress.
I must admit that I have been learning Isabelle "on the fly" over the past
10 months for this project, so my approacj may not be as systematic or
paradigmatic as would be desired.
From: Jeremy Sylvestre <>
Hi, I have some basic properties for the p-adic absolute value:
abbreviation "pint_exp p a \<equiv> p ^ (multiplicity (of_int p) a)"
definition padic_abs_factorial_prod :: "int \<Rightarrow>
('a::{factorial_semiring,ring_1})\<times>'a \<Rightarrow> int\<times>int"
where "padic_abs_factorial_prod p x = (
if (fst x * snd x = 0) \<or> \<not> prime_elem
((of_int::int\<Rightarrow>'a) p)
then (0,1) else ( pint_exp p (snd x), pint_exp p (fst x) )
setup_lifting Quotient_rat
lift_definition padic_abs :: "int \<Rightarrow> rat \<Rightarrow> rat" is
using padic_abs_factorial_prod_ratrel by fast
I also have an edited version of Real.thy that constructs the ring of
Cauchy sequences out of a ring equipped with a rat-valued absolute value
Haven't pursued this too much so far, was hoping to hire a summer student
to work on this for me.
Jeremy S.
From: Manuel Eberl <>
That sounds like amazing work. I would be very interested to see where
this goes (and what you have so far). I have some vague long-term
interest in p-adic analysis, p-adic integration etc, but I don't know
very much about it as of yet and I haven't done any work on it either.
Clearly, HOL-Algebra was always the obvious "correct" route to formalise
the p-adics, but I feared that doing so would be much too painful. So it
is good to hear that you actually got somewhere with that approach.
From: Jose Manuel Rodriguez Caballero <>
By the way, the proof of the first statement that André Weil conjectured when he was in prison, was done using p-adic analysis (Dwork). After that, Grothendieck re-proved this result using cohomology and his approach was extended to the proofs of other statements conjectured by Weil.
The consensus is that Grothendieck-Deligne’s approach is better than p-adic analysis in order to prove Weil’s conjectures and related subjects, because cohomology reduces computations. Nevertheless, such a consensus among mathematicians does not take into account the power of automatic reasoning in proof assistants.
It would be impressive, to the degree of getting a Field medal, if someone is capable of finding a new proof of all the Weil’s conjectures using p-adic analysis and not cohomology. The extensive calculations involved in the p-adic approach may be impossible for humans, but not for a computer. Such a research may open a way to prove Riemann’s hypothesis using the automatic reasoning Isabelle/HOL, because Riemann’s hypothesis is a variation of Weil’s conjecture.
Good luck to the adventures (I am not going myself in that direction)
José M.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC