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Topic: [isabelle] pattern compatibility: _ = _ foo_sumC _

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 19 2022 at 10:52):

From: Walther Neuper <>
Using the function package I cannot prove pattern compatibility with
unary occurrence of "*_sumC" in the proof obligation, which I see happen
quite often, e.g.[1].

Interestingly, the example on p.2 of the "Tutorial on Function
Definition" is solved automatically by "fun", but "function" creates
that kind of obligation, which is NOT provable "by auto":

function sep :: "'a ? 'a list ? 'a list" where
"sep a (x # y # xs) = x # a # sep a (y # xs)"
| "sep a xs = xs"
apply pat_completeness
apply simp
apply simp
proof (prove): step 4

goal (1 subgoal):
1. ?a x y xs aa xsa.
(a, x # y # xs) = (aa, xsa) ?
x # a # sep_sumC (a, y # xs) = xsa

For learning how to prove this kind of obligations it seems very helpful
to have the above example proved explicitly --- is there some of the
experts, who could spend a few minutes on that, please ?


PS: I scanned the documentation without findings: did I overlook something?
And I scanned the mailing list with some findings [2/3, 4/5], but
without coming to a clue.

[1] the rhs of the conclusion contains dvd_up_sumC, the lhs does not; so
one needs some properties of dvd_up_sumC for proving equality, e.g
"dvd_up_sumC (ds, rest) = ds mod rest" (which easily can be proved under
the assumptions given):

3. ?d p ds ps.
([d], [p]) = (ds, ps) ?
(p mod d = 0) =
(let ds = drop_lc0 ds; ps = drop_lc0 ps; d000 = replicate
(length ps - length ds) 0 @ ds;
quot = GCD_Poly_FP.lcoeff ps div2 GCD_Poly_FP.lcoeff d000;
rest = drop_lc0 (ps minus_up (d000 mult_ups quot))
in if rest = [] then True
else if quot ? 0 ? length ds ? length rest then dvd_up_sumC
(ds, rest) else False)


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 19 2022 at 10:52):

From: Christian Sternagel <>
Dear Walter,

function (sequential) ...

instead of just

function ...

does the trick (together with pat_completeness and auto). Without the
sequential option the defining equations must be disjoint and complete.
See also "isabelle doc functions".



view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 19 2022 at 10:52):

From: Walther Neuper <>

thanks for reply !

Your suggestion ...

function (sequential) ...

instead of just

function ...

does the trick (together with pat_completeness and auto).

helped me to pin down my problem: "function (sequential) sep ... "
creates these obligations for pattern compatibility:

goal (6 subgoals):

1. ?a x y xs aa xa ya xsa.
(a, x # y # xs) = (aa, xa # ya # xsa) ?
x # a # sep_sumC (a, y # xs) = xa # aa # sep_sumC (aa, ya # xsa)

2. ?a x y xs aa. (a, x # y # xs) = (aa, []) ? x # a # sep_sumC (a,
y # xs) = []

3. ?a x y xs aa v. (a, x # y # xs) = (aa, [v]) ? x # a # sep_sumC
(a, y # xs) = [v]

4. ?a aa. (a, []) = (aa, []) ? [] = []
5. ?a aa v. (a, []) = (aa, [v]) ? [] = [v]
6. ?a v aa va. (a, [v]) = (aa, [va]) ? [v] = [va]

My interest was for 'mixed' obligations like 3./4. above, where "_sumC"
occurs only once: I wanted to prove the equalities (which is impossible
without knowledge about "_sumC") under the assumptions.

Now I see (thanks to your help!), that these obligations are proved
using the fact that the assumptions, "(a, x # y # xs) = (aa, [])" and
"(a, x # y # xs) = (aa, [v])", are not satisfiable ('ex falso
qodlibet'). The simplifier knows theorems like "List.inject",
"List.distinct_2" etc good enough to end up with

a # sep_sumC (a, y # xs) = [] ? False

In the case of the function I am trying to define [1], I get 15
obligations: the 11 'non-mixed' obligations are solved "by simp" (which
each takes a few seconds for each).
However, the 4 'mixed' obligations cannot be proved "by simp" (which
loop somewhere I can not yet identify in the trace), although they all
have non-satisfiable assumptions...

1. ?d p v vb vc ps. ([d], [p]) = (v # vb # vc, ps) ? ...
2. ?d p ds v vb vc. ([d], [p]) = (ds, v # vb # vc) ? ...
3. ?ps v vb vc psa. ([], ps) = (v # vb # vc, psa) ? ...
4. ?ds dsa v vb vc. (ds, []) = (dsa, v # vb # vc) ? ...

So, instead of tweaking the simplifier, it seems to suffice to show the
assumptions not satisfiable ;-))) ... thanks a lot !!!


[1] I am stuck with dvd for univariate polynomials:
function (sequential) dvd_unipoly :: "unipoly ? unipoly ? bool"
(infixl "dvd'_unipoly" 70) where
"[d] dvd_unipoly [p] = ((¦d¦ ? ¦p¦) & (p mod d = 0))"
| "ds dvd_unipoly ps =
ds = drop_lc0 ds; ps = drop_lc0 ps;
d000 = (List.replicate (List.length ps - List.length ds) 0) @ ds;
quot = (lcoeff ps) div2 (lcoeff d000);
rest = drop_lc0 (ps minus_up (d000 mult_ups quot))
if rest = [] then True else
if quot ? 0 & List.length ds ? List.length rest then ds
dvd_unipoly rest else False)"

On 04/13/2013 05:52 PM, Walther Neuper wrote:

Using the function package I cannot prove pattern compatibility with
unary occurrence of "*_sumC" in the proof obligation, which I see happen
quite often, e.g.[1].

Interestingly, the example on p.2 of the "Tutorial on Function
Definition" is solved automatically by "fun", but "function" creates
that kind of obligation, which is NOT provable "by auto":

function sep :: "'a ? 'a list ? 'a list" where
"sep a (x # y # xs) = x # a # sep a (y # xs)"
| "sep a xs = xs"
apply pat_completeness
apply simp
apply simp
proof (prove): step 4

goal (1 subgoal):
1. ?a x y xs aa xsa.
(a, x # y # xs) = (aa, xsa) ?
x # a # sep_sumC (a, y # xs) = xsa

For learning how to prove this kind of obligations it seems very helpful
to have the above example proved explicitly --- is there some of the
experts, who could spend a few minutes on that, please ?


PS: I scanned the documentation without findings: did I overlook
And I scanned the mailing list with some findings [2/3, 4/5], but
without coming to a clue.

[1] the rhs of the conclusion contains dvd_up_sumC, the lhs does not; so
one needs some properties of dvd_up_sumC for proving equality, e.g
"dvd_up_sumC (ds, rest) = ds mod rest" (which easily can be proved under
the assumptions given):
3. /\ d p ds ps.
([d], [p]) = (ds, ps) ==>
(p mod d = 0) =
(let ds = drop_lc0 ds; ps = drop_lc0 ps; d000 = replicate
(length ps - length ds) 0 @ ds;
quot = GCD_Poly_FP.lcoeff ps div2 GCD_Poly_FP.lcoeff d000;
rest = drop_lc0 (ps minus_up (d000 mult_ups quot))
in if rest = [] then True
else if quot ? 0 ? length ds ? length rest then
dvd_up_sumC (ds, rest) else False)

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC