From: Stephan Merz <>
Research team: Tools for Proofs, MSR-INRIA Joint Centre
The Microsoft Research-INRIA Joint Centre is offering a 2-year
position for a post-doctoral researcher to work on a proof development
environment for TLA+ in the Tools for Proofs project-team (see
Research Context
TLA+ is a language for formal specifications and proofs designed by
Leslie Lamport. It is based on first-order logic, set theory,
temporal logic, and a module system. While the specification part of
TLA+ has existed for several years, the proof language is more recent,
and we want to develop tools for writing and checking proofs.
Our development environment for TLA+ proofs will have the following
structure: TLA+ source files will be translated to low-level proofs
that will be checked by Isabelle. These will include calls to the
Zenon automatic theorem prover to fill in the "trivial" details
omitted from proofs at the TLA+ level. Within the Isabelle framework
we will have an axiomatization of TLA+ (Isabelle/TLA+). Isabelle will
provide high assurance by checking all the proofs provided by the
user or by Zenon. As the user writes and modifies the TLA+ source
code, a proof manager will keep track of which parts of the proofs
need to be modified and re-checked by Isabelle. The proof manager
will also support direct interaction from the user with Isabelle when
Description of the activity of the post-doc
The task devoted to the post-doc will be to develop the tools that
make up the TLA+ development environment: the translator to Isabelle,
the Zenon-Isabelle interface, and the proof manager. He will also
complete the development of the TLA+ theory in the Isabelle framework
(Isabelle/TLA+), which is currently incomplete.
Skills and profile of the candidate
We are looking for a candidate with skills in some or all of the
following subjects: parsing and compilation, logic and set theory,
Isabelle, OCaml, Eclipse and Java. Moreover, the applicant must have
a good command of the English language.
The Microsoft Research-INRIA Joint Centre is located on the Campus of
INRIA Futurs, in South part of Paris, near the Le-Guichet RER
station. The Tools for Proofs project-team is composed of Damien
Doligez, Leslie Lamport and Stephan Merz.
Candidates should send a resume to Damien Doligez
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC