From: Yucy <>
In order to add a integer number "x" to every elements of a "int set A", I don't find a direct operation about it in the file "HOL/Set.thy". Hence, I try to define a function which can excute this operation, but i don't known how to proof the completeness and termination of this function. My function is given as follow:
function f:: "int \<Rightarrow> int set \<Rightarrow> int set"
"f i {} = {}" |
"f i (insert a A) = {i+a}\<union>(f i A)"
Maybe there are some simple methods which can implement this operation, I need your help! thanks for your attention!
From: Peter Lammich <>
Yucy wrote:
Try the image-function (syntax is _ ` _), defined in Set.thy.
e.g. try
"(op + 1) A" (equal to: "(%x. x+1)
A" )
which is the set A, where every element gets added one to it.
Your approach might work for finite sets, but will definitely not for
infinite sets.
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Hello Yucy,
you can change a set by applying a modifying function (like "add i") to
every element using the image function from Set.thy.
Your function f is then:
definition f
where "f i A = (op + i) ` A"
You can then prove the lemmas
"f i {} = {}""
"f i (insert a A) = insert (i + a) (f i A)"
Recursion over sets is not easy at all, but there is the fold function
in Finite_Set, which only works properly for finite sets.
Yucy schrieb:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC