From: Michael Norrish <>
I'm using the most recent CVS version of Isabelle, or something very
close to it.
recdef is making the definition at the bottom of the attached
typ_tag = char_tt | short_tt | int_tt | long_tt | ptr_tt
| struct_tt "typ_tag list" | array_tt "typ_tag" "nat"
wf_tag :: "typ_tag \<Rightarrow> bool"
lemma[simp]: "t \<in> set tyl \<longrightarrow> size t < Suc (typ_tag_list_size
by (induct_tac tyl,auto)
recdef wf_tag "measure size"
"wf_tag char_tt = True"
"wf_tag short_tt = True"
"wf_tag int_tt = True"
"wf_tag long_tt = True"
"wf_tag ptr_tt = True"
"wf_tag (struct_tt tyl) = (\<not> null tyl \<and> (\<forall> t \<in> set tyl.
wf_tag t))"
"wf_tag (array_tt ty n) = wf_tag ty"
print_theorems (* have a look at wf_tag.simps *)
in such a way that there is still a check to see if the argument to
wf_tag is in the measure, and if not, giving me back arbitrary.
The little lemma above it doesn't seem to help.
The wf_tag.induct theorem is also "wrong" because it doesn't allow me
to assume anything about the contents of tyl.
wf_tag (struct_tt tyl) = (\<not> null tyl \<and>
list_all id (map wf_tag tyl))
works. Using "list_all wf_tag tyl" doesn't.
No doubt it wouldn't be difficult to recast this as an inductive
From: Konrad Slind <>
The context of that recursive call hasn't been tracked. Maybe the
recdef termination condition extractor doesn't know about the
congruence theorem for bounded quantification?
From: Michael Norrish <>
While we're about it, the following also fails, generating an
impossible termination condition. (HOL4 gets this right, Konrad will
be pleased to hear.)
recdef align_tt "measure size"
"align_tt char_tt = 1"
"align_tt short_tt = 2"
"align_tt int_tt = 4"
"align_tt long_tt = 4"
"align_tt ptr_tt = 4"
"align_tt (array_tt ty n) = align_tt ty"
"align_tt (struct_tt []) = 0"
"align_tt (struct_tt (ty#tys)) = foldr (\<lambda>ty n. max (align_tt ty) n)
tys (align_tt ty)"
From: Michael Norrish <>
Alexander Krauss writes:
I still don't understand why list_all on its own didn't work, but
when I combined list_all with map it did work. Anyway, thanks for the
help in finding a workaround.
From: Gerwin Klein <>
I just checked the library: that is because there is a congruence rule for
map, but none for list_all.
In the example with "list_all id (map ..)" the "id" probably made it simple
enough to deal with.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC