From: Christoph Dittmann <>
I have a problem with sledgehammer in Isabelle 2016 with a recent vampire:
./vampire --version
Vampire 4.0 (commit 910b0ff on 2016-04-14 14:40:26 +0200)
I added the vampire binary to Isabelle by setting these environment
variables, as documented in sledgehammer.pdf:
export VAMPIRE_HOME=$HOME/local/bin
Very often (I guess in >50% of the cases), vampire fails like this:
"e": Try this: using Cons.prems(2) by auto (20 ms).
"spass": Try this: using Cons.prems(2) by auto (4 ms).
"vampire": A prover error occurred. (Pass the "verbose" option for
When I look at the output of vampire, it says:
User error: Vampire only supports a single conjecuture in a problem
And it's true, the vampire input file generated by sledgehammer
sometimes ends with more than one conjecture, for example:
% Conjectures (2)
tff(conj_0, conjecture,
tff(conj_1, conjecture,
((?[N4 : nat]: (pp(aa_nat_bool(aa_nat_fun_nat_bool(ord_less_nat,
N4), aa_list_a_nat(size_size_list_a, cons_a(x, xsa)))) &
(pp(aa_nat_bool(aa_nat_fun_nat_bool(ord_less_nat, N4),
aa_list_a_nat(size_size_list_a, ysa))) & (~
aa_nat_a(aa_list_a_fun_nat_a(nth_a, cons_a(x, xsa)), N4) =
aa_nat_a(aa_list_a_fun_nat_a(nth_a, ysa), N4))))))).
I attached a minimal theory file that shows the problem.
Is this a known problem? Is there anything I can do?
From: Jasmin Blanchette <>
Dear Christoph,
Thank you for your report. This wasn't a known problem; I guess most of us are using an older Vampire.
This will be fixed in the next Isabelle release. If you want to repair your Isabelle locally, change line 535 of
prem_role = Conjecture,
prem_role = Hypothesis,
and rebuild the HOL image:
./bin/isabelle build -b HOL
From: Christoph Dittmann <>
Dear Jasmin,
Thanks, this seems to fix it.
From: Lawrence Paulson <>
I’m getting this problem too. Only it’s two years later and your fix is already in the sources. Could something else be going on?
From: Jasmin Blanchette <>
Hi Larry,
I need a more detailed bug report. Notably, which platform? And do you really get the output
User error: Vampire only supports a single conjecuture in a problem
like Christoph did in 2016? I doubt so; hence your issue has likely nothing to do with his.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC