From: Lucas Dixon <>
I was just wondering how to change the font faces for Isabelle - I
noticed that things looked different in the CVS version. I was then
going to change them, but don't know which emacs-faces correspond to
which commands... anyone have a list handy?
Also, I was wondering if I can colour things according to the
"isar-keywords.el" file. Although keywords exist in several categories,
something more customisable would be nice. :)
From: David Aspinall <>
Have you looked at "Changing Faces" in the PG documentation?
or direct tiny link:
Lucas Dixon wrote:
From: Lucas Dixon <>
Yes, this was the first thing I looked at, but then I realised that some
of the colours came from here and some came from the default emacs
font-lock faces. so I was then wondering how to find out which words
fall into which categories. Is it related to the isar-keywords file?
David Aspinall wrote:
From: David Aspinall <>
Look in isar-syntax.el for isar-font-lock-keywords-1 which defines the
mapping, it is controlled by the keyword classification. The mapping
isn't separately customizable but you can easily change it yourself.
Use M-x list-faces-display to list all Emacs faces.
- David.
Lucas Dixon wrote:
From: Lucas Dixon <>
Thanks, that's exactly what I was after.
David Aspinall wrote:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC