From: Lawrence Paulson <>
Is anybody aware of a formalisation of the hereditarily finite sets in Isabelle/HOL?
This would be a type hf along with constructors
empty :: hf
insert :: hf => hf => hf
with a membership relation defined by
member x (insert y z) == x=y | member x z
and also satisfying extensionality:
x=y <-> (ALL z. member z x = member z y)
(In Isabelle/ZF, the hereditarily finite sets are precisely the elements of Vset(nat).)
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Hi Larry,
The FinFun formalisation in the AFP contains until Isabelle2011-1 defines such a type in theory FinFunSet. Adapting it to the pred/set-distinction, I recently (ID b7aa87989f3a) changed it from sets to predicates, so it is called FinFunPred in the development branch of the AFP.
Actually, it specialises the more general type 'a =>f 'b with constructors
finfun_const :: 'b => ('a =>f 'b)
finfun_update :: ('a =>f 'b) => 'a => 'b => ('a =>f 'b)
and an application operator finfun_apply :: ('a =>f 'b) => 'a => 'b
finfun_apply (finfun_update f x y) z = (if z = x then y else finfun_apply f z
f = g <--> (ALL x. finfun_apply f x = finfun_apply g x)
holds. FinFunSet (or FinFunPred) specialise 'b to bool and thus yield hereditarily finite sets or predicates.
From: Lawrence Paulson <>
Thanks, but I believe that you are describing finite sets rather than hereditarily finite sets. I should have mentioned, the membership function should have the following type:
member :: hf => hf => bool
That is, we have one single type rather than separate types of sets and elements.
It sounds like this hasn't been formalised before...?
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Hi Larry,
You are right, FinFun sets are ordinary finite sets or predicates.
From: Brian Huffman <>
I don't know of a pre-existing formalization, but I couldn't resist
looking for a way to formalize this myself. I found an approach that
looks promising:
Start with a "raw" tree datatype using lists instead of finite sets:
datatype hf0 = Node "hf0 list"
(or equivalently, datatype hf0 = Empty | Insert hf0 hf0)
Define a linear order on type hf0 using a lexicographic order on the
lists. Then define a predicate "normal :: hf0 => bool" asserting that
all lists in the whole tree are in strict sorted order. Finally,
define type hf as a subtype:
typedef hf = "{a. normal a}"
I got as far as defining insert and member on type hf, but I didn't
prove extensionality. For this, I guess you would need a lemma stating
that "set xs = set ys ==> xs = ys" for strictly sorted lists xs and
ys. There might be some relevant stuff in List.thy already, but I'm
not sure.
From: Andrei Popescu <>
Dear Larry,
We (Dmitriy Traytel, Jasmin Blanchette and myself) are prototyping a new (co)datatype package for Isabelle/HOL allowing for nonfree type constructors. With this package, hereditarily finite sets can simply be defined as
datatype hfset = Fold hfset fset
where 'a fset is the type of finite sets, as defined, e.g., in HOL/Quotient_Examples/FSet.
The package proves the expected distinctness, cases, induction and recursion theorems. However, it is currently in a rather raw form. I have used the package to define the type "hfset". To avoid any dependency on our files, I have extracted the relevant types, constants and theorems in the attached theory HFSET.thy that only depends on HOL/Quotient_Examples/FSet. If you are interested, we can also send you the proved version including its prerequisites.
The package can also be used to define things like finite possibly non-well-founded sets, as
codatatype hfset = Fold hfset fset
or heredinarily k-sets, where k is a fixed cardinal.
All the best, Andrei
PS: The attached paper describes the new package.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC