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Topic: [isabelle] trying to convince Isabelle to accept some pro...

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 12:02):

From: Andrei Popescu <>

I have proved the consistency of specialized theorem prover
in Isabelle, but when I am trying to use it, I find serious problems
with "executing"/simplifying some functions that initally looked to me
very amenable to simplification. 

Particularly, I have the following problems:
-- Isabelle won't simplify underneath  existential quantifiers, and would loop
if I try to simplify after replacing the existentially quantified variables
with schematic variables (via existential introduction) or if try
to enforce an "under-exists" simplification rule
-- in cases when simplification does
what I wish (using auto
for some
trivial FOL
arrangements to help
simplification), it takes too much time (I think
auto tries to hard)

I have tried to capture these problems with the following small example,
-- a term is either a basic term "Bas n" or a compound term "Cpd Ts";
-- a rule deduces terms (conclusions) from lists of terms (hypotheses);
-- there are only five rules: R1, R2, R1', R1'', R2';
-- the function mdr mathes a term against these rules constructing
   backwards a proof subject to some constraints (that the term is the
   conclusion of the rule and its immediate
   subterms are less or equal to (le) the hypotheses of the rule -- I
   have added this complication with "le" so that I do not have
   unique proofs).

Here is the theory (I am also attaching it as a thy file): 

datatype trm = Bas nat | Cpd "trm list"

record rule =

  hyps :: "trm list"
  cnc :: "trm"

R1 :: "rule" 
"R1 == (| hyps = [Bas 1, Cpd[Bas 2, Bas 3]],
             cnc = Cpd [Bas 1, Cpd[Bas 2, Bas 3]] |)"
R2 :: "rule" 
"R2 == (|hyps = [Bas 2, Cpd[Bas 3, Bas 4]],
             cnc = Cpd [Bas 1, Cpd[Bas 2, Bas 3]] |)" 
R1' :: "rule" 
"R1' == (|hyps = [Bas 2, Bas 3],
              cnc = Cpd [Bas 2, Bas 3] |)"
R1'' :: "rule" 
"R1'' == (|hyps = [Bas 3, Bas 4],
              cnc = Cpd [Bas 2, Bas 3] |)"
R2' :: "rule" 
"R2' == (|hyps = [Bas 4, Bas 5],
              cnc = Cpd [Bas 3, Bas 4] |)"

constdefs Rls :: "rule
"Rls == {R1, R2, R1', R1'', R2'}"

consts le :: "trm => rm => bool"
axioms le_simps_Bas:
"ge (Bas n) T' = True"

axioms le_simps_Ind:
"le (Cpd Ts) T' =
  (case T' of Bas n' => False
             |Cpd Ts' => length Ts = length Ts' /\
                               (ALL i < length Ts. le (Ts!i) (Ts'!i)))"
lemmas le_simps = le_simps_Bas le_simps_Ind
declare le_simps [simp]

lemmas rules_defs = Rls_def R1_def R2_def R1'_def R1''_def R2'_def                 
declare rules_defs [simp]
consts mdr :: "trm => rule set"
axioms mdr_simps_Bas:
"mdr (Bas n) = {(| hyps = [Bas n], cnc = Bas n

axioms mdr_simps_Cpd:
"mdr (Cpd Ts) =
  {(|hyps = concat (map hyps drls),
     cnc = Cpd Ts |)
   |rl drls. 
    rl: Rls /\
    cnc rl = Cpd Ts /\
    length (hyps rl) = length Ts /\
    length drls = length Ts /\
    (ALL i < length Ts. le (Ts ! i) (hyps rl ! i) /\
                                drls!i : mdr (hyps rl ! i))}"

lemmas mdr_simps = mdr_simps_Bas mdr_simps_Cpd
declare mdr_simps [simp]

I would like to be able to execute mdr, so that I always obtain, for example,
of "x : mdr(Cpd [Bas 1, Cpd[Bas 2, Bas 3]])", a disjunction of 6 facts
(according to the six
possible decompositions), where, for example, one of the dijuncts would be

"x = (| hyps = [Bas (Suc 0), Bas 2, Bas 3],
         cnc = Cpd [Bas (Suc 0), Cpd [Bas 2, Bas 3]]  |)"

In order to achieve this, I try to help the engine by adding the following simplification rules:

lemma help_map0[simp]:
"length xs = 0 ==> map f xs = []"

lemma help_map1[simp]:
 "length xs = Suc n ==>
  map f xs = map f (butlast xs) @ [f(xs ! n)]"

lemma help_butlast[simp]:
"i < length xs ==> butlast xs ! i = xs ! i"

lemma help_finite_pred[simp]:
"(ALL j < Suc n. phi j) = ((ALL j < n. phi j) /\ phi n)"

With these, auto is able to reduce a goal like

"mdr(Cpd [Bas 1, Cpd[Bas 2, Bas 3]]) <= X"

to six goals having conclusions of the form "rl : X" for
each of the six elements rl of "mdr(Cpd [Bas 1, Cpd[Bas 2, Bas 3]])",
which is satisfactory, although the reduction is quite slow for this
small example already.

The above reduction is clearly safe, which would make me hope for the possibility of a dual reduction to a disjunction.  However, if I place
"mdr(Cpd [Bas 1, Cpd[Bas 2, Bas 3]])" on a positive position
in a goal, as in "x : mdr(Cpd [Bas 1, Cpd[Bas 2, Bas 3]])",
I am not able to decompose the goal into a disjunction no matter how I try. 
For instance, if I try (adding a seemingly useful distributive law)

lemma "x : mdr(Cpd [Bas 1, Cpd[Bas 2, Bas 3]])"
apply (auto simp add: conj_disj_distribR)

it will not apply the needed simplifications. 

If I try (at  the same lemma), 

apply (auto simp add: conj_disj_distribR, rule exI, rule exI, auto)

it will loop,

and also if I add the further lemma

lemma simp_inside_EX:
"(!! x y. P x y = Q x y) ==> (EX x y. P x y) = (EX x y. Q x y)"
by blast

and then try

apply (auto simp add: conj_disj_distribR,
         simp add: simp_inside_EX)

it will loop again.

So my question is: do I need to write my own rewrite engine/tactical, or
would a proper use of existing ones in Isabelle solve my problems regarding the
possibility of decomposition and its computational complexity ?

Many thanks in advance for any advice regarding this matter,
    Andrei Popescu

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC