From: Sean McLaughlin <>
I needed to create some Isabelle terms by hand, and would like to
sure they typecheck as a sanity check. So, eg.
Const ("==", "bool => bool => bool") $ Free ("a", "bool") $
Free ("b", "prop") : Term.term
Doesn't typecheck. What function do I call?
From: Lawrence Paulson <>
One way is to call the function cterm_of, which converts a raw term
to a "certified term". Note that typechecking only makes sense in the
context of a theory. The most basic theory is ProtoPure.thy, which
only knows about the meta-logic connectives. Or HOL.thy (for the
basic HOL types) or Main.thy (for everything).
From: Jeremy Dawson <>
Sean McLaughlin wrote:
If I understand you correctly, you have entered the code
Const ("==", "bool => bool => bool") $ Free ("a", "bool") $
Free ("b", "prop") : Term.term
by hand - is that right?
If so you have the problem that the type which is printed as
"bool => bool => bool" isn't actually a string, to create it you
have to do something like
fun ctyp str = Type (str, []) ;
val charT = ctyp "List.char" ; (* was "Main.char" *)
val nibbleT = ctyp "List.nibble" ; (* was "Main.nibble" *)
val boolT = ctyp "bool" ;
fun listT ty = Type ("List.list", [ty]) ;
fun setT ty = Type ("set", [ty]) ;
fun pairT (t1, t2) = Type ("*", [t1, t2]) ;
fun funT (t1, t2) = Type ("fun", [t1, t2]) ;
fun ifunT [] t2 = t2
| ifunT (t :: ts) t2 = funT (t, ifunT ts t2) ;
ifunT [boolT, boolT] boolT ;
val it = "bool => bool => bool" : Term.typ
Then you can do
val t = Free ("==", ifunT [boolT, boolT] boolT) $ Free ("a", boolT) $
Free ("b", boolT) : Term.term ;
cterm_of (the_context ()) t ;
Is this the sort of thing you wanted to do?
Note that you can't use Const except for an already exsiting Const of
the right type,
and "prop" and "bool" are different types.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC